Monday, May 19, 2008

Day Eleven

Today was a long day. I began my morning at 7.50 AM just as Patrice had asked in order to prepare for the kids coming for share day. We had to prepare slabs for them so that they could cut out clay from the templates and create a cup that way. Also while this was going on we had a visitor who was a former student here and is now a man of his own business making lamps. He showed us his skills with ceramics and it was amazing.
After this busy morning I continued on to running the pug mill. Once this job was done I started to work on my cups. They had become too dry to put a handle on straight away so I had to put damp tissue in the area that I wanted the handle to go. Then I was able to make the handles, this being something I am not great at, then while they sat to dry I trimmed the cups. Once both aspects were complete I used a needle tool to mark the spot in which i wanted both ends to go and then placed slip on these two places. Placing the ends carefully in to position on the cup I had my handles on. To finish it up I got a sponge and smoothed the area out.
Today I feel I got a lot done with my cups ending at 2:00 PM and will begin to continue on with them tomorrow and possibly glaze my previous work.

1 comment:

Lindsey Allenby said...

Kate! Wow! You did have a busy day! I'm sure Patrice was greatful to have your help preparing the studio for SHARE day! I remember Share Day from when I went to Andover Elementary and it was such an exciting and special day for those kids. Did you actually help Patrice with her workshop with the kids or did you do your own work during that time?

Keep up the great work!