Monday, May 12, 2008

Day Six

I made my way to the ceramics room at 9:30 this morning. It was a slow start as I began by organizing my paper work and handing a few things in. Then as I saw Patrice she wanted me to run the pug mill to mic some more clay. This is becoming a daily routine now and I am pretty comfortable in doing it and don't mind helping Patrice out with it. Then after making numerous amount of clay strips I moved on to thinking about making my plates. I knew that this was going to be a challenge so Patrice handed me a book to look at the different ways I could go about making my plates. I decided on the style I'd like to do and so then Patrice showed me how by her first demonstrating it herself. I have made a plate before but out of a slab, never on a wheel. It followed the basic ways of making anything else, centering the clay first and then going in on the center. But ofcorse it wasn't going to be as easy as it sounds.
My first attempt was pretty horrible, it was tricky getting the clay centered as I now have to use more clay than usual and then I messed it up by pushing the clay outwards to early. So I took the clay of the wheel and started over. The next time I came to making it I had Patrice check in with me, guiding me through the steps so hopefully I wouldn't make any more mistakes. Although it didn't look quite like Patrice's plate, it was good enough for a first complete attempted but turned out to be a little bit on the small side, therefore telling me that I need to use more clay next time.
I felt that I should end my day there at 12:30. Today was a stressful day because I was beginning to learn a new trait and it wasn't coming as easy as I hoped. Tomorrow I'm sure I will be able to progress from where I am at now.

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