Friday, May 16, 2008

Day Ten

Today I arrived at the art building at 11:00AM knowing I was going to be meeting with Patrice to discuss and prepare for Monday morning where kids will be coming to take part in ceramics. I began by helping Patrice clear off some table space for the kids to work on and helped her decide on how we will go about glazing and firing the pots they make. After this I began running the pug mill, checking on the clay that we left over night to see if it was suitable for use. It wasn't ready and so we had to mix the clay once more so that the texture would be perfect for throwing.
After this I began throwing some cups. I threw different shapes so that I could decide on one that I want to try and stick with and attempt to make four others alike. I feel like I am beginning to get the hang of making cups with using less clay and making the cylinder shape. I have begun to make the walls thinner which is good because I always seem to make them too thick.
So by the end of the day I have made six cups 4 of them varying in shape and size where as two looking similar. I am still unsure of what shape I want to do so I will have to make that decision on Monday so I can begin adding handles and firing them.

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