Friday, May 9, 2008

Day Five

Today I started at 10:00AM starting where I left off the day before that is trimming my bowls. I feel that each time I trim another bowl my technique improves so I am glad that I made enough bowls to get that practice. I managed to get another two of my bowls done before I met with Patrice. Then I began by mixing more clay into strips for the class and myself to use. Each day this job needs doing as many pots are done during the day. I'm glad I am able to help Patrice out with this so she doesnt have to do it. I feel pretty comfortable doing this without her looking over my shoulder now so each day I am progressing to being knowledgable of the ceramics area. So after making three bags of clay ready to be wedged I got back to my trimming and continued to touch up the last bowl, smoothing it out with a spunge afterwards and putting my signature sign on the bottom of it. This is so that I am able to recognize which are mine and also make it personal. So now I have all my bowls complete and ready to be fired. I ended my day in the ceramics room at 12:30 and continued my research after lunch looking online for images of cups to see if I wanted to go for a tall style or a cup that has a curve to it. I feel that doing research outside of the ceramics room is helpful when coming to the wheel and actually producing it because you have an image in your mind.

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