Sunday, May 25, 2008

Week Three Reflection

My Third and final week on my ceramics project went just as well as my previous two. I engaged in helping Patrice handle her share day group, preparing the slabs for the kids to work with and then firing and glazing them because they were unable to come back and complete them.
This week I continued on with creating my final products trimming and glazing the bowls, cups and plates and making handles for the plates. It was challenging when I had to make the handles, as this is something I am not good at so I had to go through a few handles until I was satisfied with what I had done. In addition this week I had to decided upon whether I was going to do all the plates one color and then all the bowls another color and all the cups one color, or whether to do choose four colors and use one from each set to form there own set with another pot. I decided that I would go for the second option so that I could therefore has a set of a bowl, plate and cup for each member of my family. I was happy with my decision to do this and the outcome looks great.
This week also I was able to see a professional lamp maker go to work in our ceramics studio and see up front how someone can make something so tall and wide on the wheel. This fascinated me and it grew me to become even fonder of ceramics.
This being my last week I am sad that this is coming to a close but am happy that everything went so smoothly and that I was able to pick up new skills and improve on the things I already knew. Seeing all my work being put together and finally seeing the final outcome was good and I was relieved with how everything came out.

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