Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Day Twelve

I began my day at 11:00AM being inspired by the visitor once again. He continued to work on the piece he did yesterday and created a new piece, which if he was staying around would place on top of the first one making one big piece. It amazing how he works on the wheel and gave good advice on ceramics and how to go about it. After this I began trimming my cups some more. Instead of trimming the bottom I also did the inside. I had to do this because they were feeling rather heavy an so trimming the inside will give the cup better shapes and enable them to hold more while making them lighter at the same time. All my cups vary but I am pleased with how they have turned out and my handles aren't as bad as i thought they were. Then once all the cups were trimmed I used a sponge to smooth it out. Today wasn't as hectic as yesterday but I am relieved I have all my wet work complete and now all that is needed is for my plates and cups to go through the brisk firing and then glaze them. I ended my day at 2:00 PM and I feel that this week is starting off as a good week and I look forward to the further outcomes of my work.

1 comment:

Lindsey Allenby said...

That's great that you got to learn from and meet such a talented alumn! Who knows, maybe you'll be back here showing off your ceramics skills to high school students some day! :) I'm glad your cups turned out well! I'll have to stop down and see the final product soon!